
Storytelling Grants

Change hearts and minds

Application Deadline: 1st April 2025 - 14th May 2025

Award: £5,000 - £15,000

Opportunity: x 5 storytelling grants made available to filmmakers, photographers, musicians, artists, actors or creatives who want to contribute to the protection of EDGE species or EDGE zones across the world. Grants will be awarded over a 1 year period, with an optional 1 year no-cost extension offered to all candidates.

Scope: Storytellers will be paired with conservationists funded through the fund to influence local behaviour change towards nature. Please note, the purpose of this grant isn’t to create a communications campaign around the conservationist and their work; rather, we want you to be inspired by their work and the species and spaces they’re working to protect. We want you to use storytelling as a way to change hearts and minds towards nature and boost the impact of conservation activities at a local level, shining a spotlight on species and spaces that are often overlooked. You’ll find more information about this year’s projects and species at the bottom of this page. 

Eligibility criteria: Storytellers can be of any background (filmmaker, photographer, musician, artist, actor, creative etc), and we encourage out-of-the-box thinkers! At On the Edge, we don’t do traditional. We want to expand the possibilities of nature storytelling & utilise pop culture formats to maximise the reach and engagement of our content. So don’t be afraid to pitch something out of the ordinary (we love this!).

Your project must be tied to one of our conservation programmes, centred around EDGE species and focussed on local impact and engagement. Preference will be given to storytellers applying from the country they will be working in. Please submit a portfolio of work and explain which of the conservation projects or species you’d be interested in supporting.

What’s included: Grant of up to £15,000 | Capacity Building In-Person Workshop | Mentorship and Scientific Support | Pairing with a conservationist or conservation organisation to increase engagement, impact and visibility of your work | Access to On the Edge’s network.

Davidson - Storyteller at GERP, Madagascar

Project 1

Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey (CR)

Location: Vietnam

Context: The Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey (TSNM) is one of the most endangered and evolutionarily distinct primates in the world, with fewer than 250 individuals remaining in the wild. Its habitat is restricted to a small and fragmented area in northern Vietnam, making it highly vulnerable to extinction. The species faces severe threats from illegal logging, agricultural expansion and fuelwood collection - all contributing to habitat loss and degradation. Despite its critical conservation status, long-term monitoring data on this species remains scarce, making it difficult to implement effective

conservation measures. A more comprehensive understanding of the species’ habitat use, movement patterns, and threats is urgently needed to develop science-based conservation strategies. 

Project Overview: This project aims to enhance the conservation status of the Critically Endangered TSNM (Rhinopithecus avunculus) in Khau Ca Forest, Vietnam. To address their threats, the project will implement an innovative monitoring system using Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) and camera traps, which will provide in-depth, fine-scale data on the population movement patterns, and habitat use. Additionally, the project will introduce community-based conservation interventions, including a fuel-efficient stove campaign, which will help reduce reliance on firewood for fuel and mitigate deforestation. Beyond research and habitat protection, this project will also focus on improving local livelihoods by developing sustainable ecotourism and entrepreneurship training programmes, offering alternative income sources for communities that currently depend on forest resources. The project is expected to significantly contribute to both biodiversity conservation and socio-economic development in the region.

Project 2

Mobula Rays

Species: Sicklefin devil ray (Mobula tarapacana) EN, Giant devil ray (Mobula mobular) EN, Giant oceanic manta ray (Mobula birostris) EN

Location: East Nusa Tenggara, Flores, Indonesia

Context: East Flores Regency is located within Indonesia's Coral Triangle Region, one of the most biodiverse areas on Earth. The Savu Sea is home to a rich diversity of marine megafauna, including elasmobranchs and marine mammals. However, many communities surrounding the Savu Sea, such as those in East Flores, depend on these marine species for food, livelihoods, and cultural practices. Despite this reliance, conservation efforts for species like mobula rays (Mobula mobular, Mobula tarapacana) have been minimal. Since the early 2010s, only manta rays (Mobula birostris, Mobula alfredi) have been protected under national regulations.

Project Overview: This project aims to support the conservation of mobula rays by addressing key threats, including targeted fishing and bycatch. By collaborating with local communities, the project seeks to promote equitable alternative opportunities to earn an income without compromising their right to sustain their livelihoods. This includes sustainable one-by-one tuna fishing and other land-based business opportunities suitable for the region. Furthermore, this initiative will contribute to the broader management efforts of the Savu Sea MPA, ensuring a more inclusive and sustainable approach to marine conservation.

Project 3

Red Crested Tree Rat

Context: There are estimated to be fewer than 50 mature pairs of the Red Crested Tree Rat left in the wild. Thought to be extinct until relatively recently, this EDGE species is the only representative of its genus, meaning that the extinction of this species would mean the loss of an entire evolutionary lineage. Its biology, behaviour and ecological adaptations make it a key species within the mountain ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, a biodiversity hotspot with 35% endemism. However, due to threats such as indigenous ritual hunting, habitat fragmentation (66% loss) and the effects of climate change, the small population has been forced to migrate to areas with less food availability.

Project Overview: The project aims to increase the population of Red Crested Tree Rat in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in the next 2 years and seeks to mitigate threats through community conservation strategies, habitat restoration, and indigenous governance. This project will create a 9,800-hectare Resource Management Zone (RMZ) aiming to reduce poaching and deforestation by 95%. Four ranger teams and small research stations will be established to patrol and monitor the RMZ. Critical habitat will be restored by planting native shrubs and installing information fences. Environmental governance will be strengthened with the creation of an Indigenous Environmental Secretariat, managed by young indigenous leaders. In addition, young people will be trained in conservation and activities in indigenous schools. This approach will ensure the recovery of the rodent and the sustainability of the ecosystem through the active participation of the indigenous community.

Project 4

Rainforests on Ropes

Location: Cornwall, UK

Species: Liverwort (Frullania tamarisci), Beard lichens (Usnea species), Tree lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria), Horsehair lichen (Bryoria smithii), and a range of Cladonia species.

Context: Temperate rainforests are incredibly rare ecosystems, found in only a few regions worldwide. These forests are characterised by high rainfall, moderate temperatures, and epiphytic vegetation (i.e., plants that grow on other plants, such as lichens, ferns, and mosses), making them unique habitats with immense biodiversity value. The UK is home to a wide range of rare species, including globally scarce lichens, mosses, and fungi. Yet, today these ancient and biodiverse ecosystems cover less than 1% of the UK’s land area. Restoring these forests has never been more important than now, in the midst of the accelerating biodiversity and climate crises.

Project Overview: The project explores the possibility of growing epiphytes on ropes for future transplantation into newly established and degraded temperate rainforests. Inspired by methods used for coral restoration (e.g. Coral Gardeners) and seaweed farming (e.g. Cornish Seaweed Company) and building on existing research for epiphyte translocation, the team will explore the use of ropes and twine to grow lichen and bryophyte species critical for temperate rainforest restoration. They will first investigate this in controlled conditions, before trialling this approach in the Ancient temperate rainforest of the Cabilla valley in Cornwall. The goal is to accelerate the recolonisation of lichen in

newly planted and degraded woodlands, accelerating the transition into thriving temperate rainforests.

Project 5

Amphibians on the edge

Location: Mount Manengouba, Cameroon

Species: Redbelly Egg Frog (CR), Bamboutos Smalltongue Toad (CR), Cardioglossa trifasciata (CR), Perret's Squeaker Frog (EN), Manengouba River Frog (CR) , Ornate Egg Frog (EN) , Mertens' Egg Frog (EN), Black Long-fingered Frog (EN)

Context: Mount Manengouba is one of the most important biodiversity hotspots in central Africa. It is also in an EDGE zone. Two years ago, it was classified under a National protected area as a Herpeto-Ornito sanctuary due to the fact that it harbours almost half of all Cameroonian known amphibian species. Accordingly, it is designated as an Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE) site triggered by the presence of several threatened frog species such as those listed above. However, being classified as an AZE does not guarantee formal protection for these areas. Despite the conservation value of this mountain, it is threatened by loss of its natural habitats through slash and burn agriculture, woodcutting, encroachment by livestock grazing, the use of chemical pesticides and recently the confirmation of the presence of Chytridiomycosis, a disease that has caused mass amphibian declines worldwide.

Project Overview: This project will contribute to ongoing ecological studies on four EDGE species and a number of threatened amphibians. This includes information on their ecology, distribution, population status and preferred habitats (this project will also deliver habitat restoration activities). Additionally, the team will work to reduce the threats they face by sensitising local communities on their behaviour and by developing alternative and sustainable livelihoods. The team will also engage local young children (in and out of school settings) to develop their awareness and capacity on amphibian conservation, through an amphibian champion programme

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Stories and science that reconnect us with the natural world. Let’s get wild.

How to apply?

Applications are now open through this link. Further details about what to include in your proposal are provided below. Proposals should be submitted to On the Edge’s Natural History team. Applications can be submitted in any language. Though English is preferred, we will work with translators to ensure equitable distribution of funding.

If you’re selected, you’ll receive one-to-one support to develop and deliver your project further.

Here’s a sneak peek at what we'll be asking.

Tell us a little more about yourself…

  • What is your name?

  • What’s your date of birth?

  • What is the best way to get in touch with you if not by email?

  • What’s your country of origin?

  • Where do you intend to carry out your proposed work?

  • Please list relevant qualifications and experience.

  • Please show us your portfolio of work (submit in any form you’d like)

Tell us about your project…

  • Project summary: what story do you want to tell?

  • What EDGE species or Zones will benefit from your project?

  • Why do you want to work with your chosen species?

  • Why does this story need to be told?

  • What impact do you hope to achieve by telling this story? And how will you measure this?

  • Why are you the best person to tell this story?

  • Who is your audience? And how will you reach them?

  • Please outline your timeline. (Project can be 12 to 24 months long)

  • Please provide a budget breakdown. (This can be uploaded as an Excel Spreadsheet or on a Word document.) Grant budget should be between £5,000 and £15,000.

  • Do you have any training needs or requests?

Stuck with a question?

We're here to help you develop your proposal, if you need us.

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On The Edge Conservation is a registered Charity (No. 1163124) and Company limited by guarantee in England & Wales (No. 09646831).